It is an international fund raising exhibition/auction dedicated to raise funds to save Sayama Forest, also known as Totoro Forest, in Tokyo, from urban development. It is to support the non-profit organization, " Totoro No Furusato National Fund ", established by Hayao Miyazaki himself, to preserve the forest where it inspired his film, " My Neighbor Totoro".
More than 200 internationally acclaimed artists in illustration, animation and comics fields from all over the world, donating their amazing original artwork for this benefit auction! It'll be held at Pixar Animation Studios on September 6th, 2008. Tickets will be distributed soon on the Totoro Forest Project website, and a catalog/book will also be available at the auction event!
Also, a selection of the artwork will be exhibited at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco, running from September 20th to December 7th, 2008.
Check out the official "Totoro Forest Project " website to learn more about the event,
and all artwork can be preview on the website!
Wherever you are in the world, hope you can make it to the event or participate it over Internet ! ~ it'll be a great opportunity to collect great artwork from great artists! it's for a great good cause after all...! *_*
The subject given for the artists was - " What is your Totoro?"
Here is my piece for the event, it's about the Sacred Tree in Ali mountain in Taiwan.