Well, I've not gone too far,...
New York was my first stop on this trip, briefly visited some lovely old friends here for 2 days 2 nights, and planned to fly out at 7:45am on 12-02. I had troubled my kindest friends who I visited and stayed with to get up at 3:30am, drive out from White Plains at 4am, we came across a car crash accident on the fwy side at 5 am, my friend helped set up the emergency flares on the fwy, then dropped me off at the airport at 5:30am, exactly 2 hrs-ish before my 7:45 am international flight ! Nice ! and sharply on time ! ... However, as I was confidently self-checking in my luggage, the airline person came over and wondered if I was going to Santo Domingo......Santo Domingo !? I'd love to visit there one day, but...I wasn't ! Read my flight schedule again, then realized, it was supposed to be "7:45PM" instead of "AM"!!... ohoo nooo ~~~ with terrible guilt, regret, and dumbfounded..... too shameful and sorry to call my friend back... I stayed at the airport for another 5 hrs waiting for the luggage storage to open, then transited to Manhattan to kill time before my actual flight at night.
Beside all the stupidities I'd made, the day actually turned out to be a great one after all ! I got to spend some time walking around the city, trying out famous burger joint, and got to sketch a little bit. Though the temperature quickly turned from cold to freezing, I end up retrieving into a cafe facing the Madison Square Park, and found a lovely view right outside of the window. How a lovely city !