Happy Rat Year !
this is also a belayed greeting for 2008!
I've been too swamped with stuff since December to post a greeting for everyone... XP
and now, the Christmas & New Year holidays have past, and it's time for the Lunar New Year ! (- Feb 7th).
the image above is the cover of a holiday card i made this year for family and friends. Now here it is for everyone ! For the 'theme' of the card this year is about having a warm relaxing holiday, I've made some bath salt tea bags to go with the cards. It was a fun process to make them, testing the bath salts myself has surely been the best part *_* .. I hope everyone had a great holiday, and having a great one !

Growing up in Taiwan, Lunar New Year ( literary translation: Spring celebration ) has always been an important holiday for me and my family. it's like celebrating Christmas and New Year for us, and it's also an once of year time for all family get together. During this time, we have a lot of good food and lots of oranges; post up poetry phrases on the front door and all over the house hold, that are written our greetings and hopes for the new year; elder generations give red envelopes, which contains new bills, to younger generations; we pray to Buddha and our ancestors to thank them for their blessing in the past, and the coming year ... the celebration usually lasts about a week. here is a wiki link that may describe more about the holiday.
Happy New Year !

I like the watercolor, it's so delicate.
Hey you! Happy new year. Long time no see. How you been?
Bonne Année, J. ^^
the other J.
Bonne Année! Emma, Kyle and Julien,
Thanks for viewing the post,
I'm participating a group show this weekend, please stop by if you're around, info please check the next post...
Thanks again,
Yeah, that's the best part of making your own bath salts as gifts. you can leave some for yourself :D
Nice drawing. Why is the Chinese character on the red paper taped upside down?
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