Here a couple sketch from my little 10 years old cousin, Michael. I gave him a sketchbook while he was visiting S.F. a few months ago. Within a few days, he filled up his sketchbook with so many wonderful drawings and stories. I was so amazed by his imagination at his age! very inspiring ...!
and yes ! "Wall-E" is coming out in theater this Friday, June 27th, in U.S.! This is the first film I've ever worked on for 2.5 years...it was surely an unforgettable great learning experience...I hope you'll enjoy it *_* .
Check out Jay Shu's blog for more cute "fan mail and folk art " and amazing sketches!
I bought the art of wall e and saw your sketches! They were awesome...
I was wondertin for a while how come I didnt see the "gels" in the movie, and just later realized they changed their minds right?
Great work
Awww.. so cute! btw, I loved the movie!
I, too, loved the movie. It's been a while that I cried watching an animated movie. You know where I cried? Seeing mountains of garbage in the opening scene, and While Wall E was rummaging through his stuff in his house.
Weird, but true.
BTW, people kept asking me if I was Jefnifer Chang at the Paris show. I was tempted, but remained honest!
That's adorable. I gave my nephew a sketchbook too. Kids....they truly have great imagination.
Great sketches/illustration to the "Art of" book. Love your style.
I can never get enough of kids drawings. they're always so full of life even when they try to make conventional drawings. Thanks for getting them started young. Cheers!
Thanks everyone ! glad you've enjoyed " Wall-e" ! It's been a great experience for me from working on the film, to seeing it on the screen, and hearing all different feedbacks from people.. it really amazes me! so great to see wall-e and the film to come to alive ! and certainly so moved to see him moved many people... *_*
and yah! I love seeing kids draw!
so imaginative and honest... I hope Michael would keep drawing, not necessary to be serious.. but just a way of expression and keep imagination going...
and Thanks Ikumi!
I'm very flattered...
I got to hear more stories from you of Paris !
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