Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to every mum and mum to be!
Only have I had my own child, I've begun to understand how much love and effort had my mum put into raising's definitey one of the most special experience I've ever had so far in life - tough and sweet at the same time. Cheers to all the super mums out there! 

Here are a few sketches I did over the past 3 months.

Friday, May 3, 2013

a Friday tune - heylo belayed 2013!

click 'command' + 

It's been 3 months since my delivery - what a trip to the other side and back! Finally, I picked up pencils and brushes again, tried to get my mind back to the surface. It felt great! This is a painting I composed a while ago with the "One-Maverix Auction" auction piece, but didn't get to finish it until now, it's a little bit different from what I initially planned, but the same idea as a tribute to the California summer fields.